Seven-Run Ninth Sparks RPI Past NJCU, 14-7

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LAKELAND, FL (NJCUGothicKnights.comNew Jersey City University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) were locked in a see-saw spring baseball game on March 11 before the Engineers lived up to that nickname, engineering a seven-run rally in the top of the ninth for a 14-7 victory in a game played at Southeastern University.
After RPI scored twice in the top of the sixth, NJCU drew even in the bottom of the eighth on an RBI single by sophomore catcher ANDREW NIECH (Avenel, NJ/Colonia). But RPI responded against three Gothic Knight pitchers in the ninth as 11 batters accounted for six hits and the decisive outburst.
RPI (4-1), the second consecutive 2013 conference champion NJCU (1-5, lost 3) has faced on the trip, was 30-15 last year when it captured the Liberty League championship, and won two games in the NCAA Tournament.
The Engineers defense didn't play well, committing five errors that led to four unearned Gothic Knight runs, but RPI had a 17-10 advantage in the hits column.