Oxy Wins on Squeeze Play

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LOS ANGELES — With a runner on second and third and one out in the bottom of the ninth inning,Brady Fuller and Jonathan Wong executed a picture-perfect suicide squeeze play, capping a four-run rally to beat Chapman 5-4 at Anderson Field on Friday.

Fuller dropped down the bunt, sending Wong screaming down the line from third and underneath the tag at home plate as Oxy's dugout cleared the bench to celebrate, realizing they had completed an unlikely comeback.

Win the win the Tigers improve to 3-1 overall and 1-0 in SCIAC. Chapman falls to 2-2 and 0-1.

Oxy's bats were quiet for the majority of the game, accounting for only one hit and one run until the final inning when the Tigers erupted for five hits.

"Our guys finish," Oxy head coach Luke Wetmore said. "We talk about that everyday in practice. We finish plays, we finish sprints, we finish practice,s so its not surprising for our guys to see the finish line and start cranking up their speed." 

The rally started with senior catcher Victor Munoz singling to center field. Jeffrey Johnson then stepped in to pinch run for the Tigers.

Next up Devon DeRaad, who was explosive in Oxy's opening series last week with four home runs, doubled to center, putting two Tigers in scoring position. AJ Libuano came up to the plate next, hammering the ball into center field, scoring Johnson to make the score 4-2 and put the tying run at first.

The Tigers got a break at their next at bat when Chapman pitcher Jesse Staats threw the ball in the dirt, allowing DeRaad to cross the plate and Libuano to advance to second on the wild pitch, leaving Oxy trailing 4-3. Saats couldn't regain control and put the winning run on first base as he walked Jonathan Wong.

Following the walk, Derek Sun made his first appearance of the game, pinch hitting for Walker Marks

"There was never any doubt who we needed to put in," said Wetmore. "Derek is one of our most consistent hitters. He always works hard and does what he needs to when we call on him."

If there were any doubters, they were quickly silenced when he smacked the ball to center field, scoring Libunao to tie the game, 4-4. As the Panthers attempted to throw out Wong at third, Sun smartly took second base, ending the chance for Chapman to end the inning on a double play.

Thats when Fuller came up to bat with the winning run 90 feet away. It was a perfect situation for the Tigers having Wong, one of their fastest players, on third.

"It all lined up for us," said Wetmore. "I didn't want to gamble with Brady, a first year on varsity, having to drive the ball. It's not that he can't but I wanted to win right then. We had our best speed on third and Brady handles the bat as well as anyone on the team."

Fuller saw his pitch and layed down the perfect bunt with the ball slowing rolling towards the mound. Wong got a great jump on the pitch and narrowly slid under the tag.

"We had runners in scoring position, their infield was in so I just wanted to put the ball in play, said Fuller. "John is fast on third so he did the rest of the work for me. You just have to put your nerves to the side, it's just another at bat, I just did what I've been doing all year and it translated."

Ace Pitching: Joseph Kling put on another outstanding performance for the Tigers, pitching a complete game with two strike outs. 

"He's a warrior. Thats what he does, he goes out there and competes." Wetmore said. "He's been doing that for us since he was a freshman and he's worked his way up to be our Friday starter and the ace of our rotations. He always puts us in a position to win so its good to see us get one for him."

Next Game: The Tigers finish their series with Chapman tomorrow with a doubleheader in Orange. Game one starts at 11:00 AM.


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